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The Swiss Import Cheese

Warm Up

  1. Do you like cheese?

  2. What foods use cheese as an ingrediant?

  3. What do you know about Switzerland?


Switzerland to Import More Cheese Than Export for First Time

Switzerland, a country famous for its cheese, is going through a big change this year. For the first time ever, Switzerland will buy more cheese from other countries than it sells. This means it will become a net importer of cheese.

Why is this happening? Well, there are a few reasons. First, people in Switzerland are eating more cheese than before. They love cheese like Emmental and Gruyère, which are famous around the world. But now, they're eating so much that there's not enough left to send to other countries. Second, Swiss cheese makers are facing some problems. They're finding it harder to make cheese because of things like climate change and changes in farming. This makes it even harder for them to keep up with the demand for cheese.

This change might not seem like a big deal, but it's got some people worried. Swiss cheese makers are worried because they might not be able to sell as much cheese as before. They're also worried that they won't be able to make enough money to keep their businesses going.

Reading Comprehension

  1. What is happening to Switzerland's cheese industry for the first time this year?

  2. What factors have contributed to Switzerland becoming a net importer of cheese?

  3. How have consumer preferences changed regarding cheese in Switzerland?

Discussion Questions

  1. Have you ever tried Swiss cheese? What did you think of it?

  2. Why do you think Switzerland has traditionally been known for its cheese production?

  3. What factors do you think might contribute to changes in consumer preferences for cheese?

  4. Do you prefer imported cheeses or locally produced ones? Why?

  5. What efforts could Switzerland make to support local cheese producers because of increased imports?

  6. How important do you think it is for countries to maintain their traditional industries and products?

  7. How do you think consumers in other countries perceive Swiss cheese compared to other types of cheese?

  8. How might the increase in cheese imports affect local cheese producers in Switzerland?

  9. What are some potential benefits and drawbacks of Switzerland becoming a net importer of cheese?

  10. How might the demand for cheese in Switzerland change in the future?


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